Women's 11v11 - Sunday Morning FALL 2021 WOMEN'S 11V11

Sunday Morning 11v11 Women's Soccer

The team fee includes the cost of the captain.
Team fee is NOT refundable.

The main responsibilities of a team rep include preparing registration paperwork before each season your team plans to participate, making sure your players know when and where their matches are, and participating in league meetings, penalties for miss meeting will apply . Additional responsibilities, include making sure your teammates know the rules of the game, and the rules specific to your league.

The team fee includes cost of the captain.

There is an option to register individually if you do not have a team and the league will find one for you.

Individual Registration fee does not cover the total cost to play. Your team captain will likely have additional fees for any of the following:
- Referee fees
- Jerseys
- Practice fields to use outside of league play

Amended Guest Player system will be used.

Sept. 12, 2021 - Dec. 13, 2021
8 games of 2X45
Houston Sports Park 1 (TURF) , Memorial Park #8 (Cage Field) , Quillian Center 1 , Quillian Center 2 , Bear Creek--Field 10
Registration Closed
Registration closed 12/10/2021 11 p.m.